Knowing MK's SEO Park

Bar was very busy with our bulletin, my curiosity grew as all heads, other then mine, were tuned into his computer topped with a few snickers here and there. Something is definitely up. Two mugs of coffee, a splitting headache and then the bursting laughter of Michelle and Jonathan. Then, I saw it - the South Parkish images of us. I have here below our version of the infamous cartoon South Park, meet the characters of the "infamous", in our own way, SEO Park.

Michelle - our darling blogger and graphic artist (in her own right)

Michael - Our Danish football player and "player" in real life

Sir Bar - Our Linux guy, Math Master and Senior Guru

Julievive - Our web developer and Lunch alarm clock

RJ - Web developer and latest member of our team

Jonathan - Our PT and in-house sex guru turned father (no surprise there)

(Drum Roll please)

Me - the leader of this ragtag team and certified coffee addict.

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