
I have a lot of things to learn before I could ever call myself a graphic designer. I am always fascinated by arts and my passion has served me well in my writings and even in my Photoshop endeavors. For me who wants to get better at using Photoshop, I rely most of the time at tutorials I find online.

There are gazillion tutorials sites and I find it great that Art Webb thought of a search engine dedicated for tutorials. If you want to learn about "clipping path", all you have to do is just type it at the search box and, viola, you get a long list of all tutorial sites that have a step-by-step instruction on how to make a simple clipping path.

If you want to start searching for a tutorial, visit www.tutsearch.net Adelle Charles also has an interview with Art Webb and in the interview they discussed tutsearch. If you want to know the story behind tutsearch you can read the full interview here.

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